Both development firms and organizations use current software development frameworks and stacks as solutions for software application engineering. Many of these frameworks and stacks provide businesses with new features that improve the operational efficiency of their company or enterprise. There are, however, many shortcomings with modern software engineering platforms and development environments that may deter businesses from using them.
In order to reduce the shortcomings of software engineering platforms, we need to create a robust, scalable, interoperable, cross-platform, and cutting-edge development framework that is free of proprietary licenses and is locked into certain operating systems (Os) and architectures. This is a top priority for both small and large businesses. It has been a requirement that few frameworks have been able to meet, namely, giving companies the freedom and power to develop according to their needs while maintaining code security.
About .NET Framework.
Microsoft developed .NET Framework in the late 1990s as a part of an initiative to develop Windows Application software. The CLR (Common Language Runtime Gauge Runtime) enables the interconnection of various programming languages at runtime with .NET (Common Language Runtime). Using such a framework, developers and engineers could develop powerful Windows applications quickly, efficiently, and in an object-oriented fashion.
As for engineers and developers, they can securely manage and deploy their code/applications using a robust development platform. Additionally, it had several advantages over other non-managed development and coding systems, including a JIT compiler that managed code execution at runtime.
Moreover, in addition to this, the framework automatically managed garbage collection (memory management) for heaps and stacks, so buffer overflows were less likely to occur as a result of this (unless unsafe code was manually allowed).
Further, the system has the capability of scaling and interoperability, which could help with software testing, as well as reduce the time needed for operations/testing workflows within the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
Developers and firms found the original .NET framework challenging for several reasons, such as:
expensive proprietary license requirements
the fact that .NET framework could only be used with Windows systems.
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As a result of the static and rigid nature of the .NET framework, engineering and development companies used Waterfall software development methods to meet their development needs. However, amidst the growth of the global software development ecosystem and a shift in development models and operations, Microsoft has released a much-improved framework for .NET Core in response to the need for a more robust, fluid, flexible framework. This includes Agile and DevOps development models.
Companies have also implemented Secure Software Development Lifecycles (SSDLC) to build security into applications from the outset. With .NETCore, firms can take advantage of all of the advantages of .NET while simultaneously expanding the capabilities of the framework. As a result, firms can increase the productivity of their development teams while reducing overhead costs and timelines associated with software development.
In what ways is .NET Core different from .NET Framework
In addition to the .NET Framework, Microsoft also offers .NET Core and Xamarin (which can be used to build mobile apps for iOS, Android, etc.). All .NET CMS platforms can use the .NET standard library and shared API, which perform similar functions. The .NET programming language family includes C#.NET, VB.NET (Visual Basic), and F#.NET. During runtime execution, native code is compiled by a JIT compiler and is controlled by the CLR. As part of the .NET family, C# is also used for web development.
Cross-platform compatible .NET Core is not only cross-platform compatible but also scalable. The software consists of a runtime, framework libraries, compilers, and tools, as described by Microsoft and TDK Technologies. With NET Core, users can also create web, cloud, and IoT applications that support Mac OS, Windows, Linux, and mobile OSes (iOS, Android, etc.).
Open-source .NET Core's open-source and cross-platform capabilities are among its biggest advantages. Due to the fact that it does not require expensive Windows licenses, it's suitable for a wide range of companies. Therefore, .NET Core can be used by many companies to develop software.
The primary differences between .NET Core and .NET Framework are as follows:
.NET Core is open source
.NET Core can be used on a variety of platforms (MacOS, Linux, Windows), while .NET Framework only supports Windows applications.
.NET Core uses a modified CLR, the CoreCRL
.NET Core can be used for cloud and IoT applications
Windows/Server licenses and Windows systems are not required for the use of .NET Core.
As a result of requiring proprietary Windows systems/licenses, the .NET framework could often result in hefty financial costs.
Runtime execution systems for .NET Framework and .NET Core are similar. By executing compiled code via virtualization, the Common Language Runtime (CLR) of the .NET family is similar to the Java Runtime Environment (JRE/JVM). JIT compilers compile original application code into languages such as C#, VB, F#, etc., which are then converted at runtime to native code for each architecture. In addition, the managed code system of the .NET CLR provides great platform independence and cross-platform compatibility. Both runtimes are managed by Microsoft, and each has advantages and disadvantages.
The Common Language Runtime (CLR) in .NET works similarly to Java Runtime Environment (JRE/JVM), executing compiled code through virtualization rather than directly on the CPU or hardware. C#, VB, F#, and other languages can be compiled into native code, which is then run on a variety of operating systems (using JIT compilers). In addition to offering incredible platform independence and cross-platform compatibility, the .NET CLR's managed code system also allows for scalability. Both runtimes are managed by Microsoft, and both have advantages and disadvantages.
Use Cases for When .NET Core Would be Best
There are advantages and disadvantages to both .NET Core and .NET framework. A .NET Core application is ideally suited for cross-platform development, command-line interface (CLI) control and enterprise cloud deployment. The modular, scalable nature of .NET Core makes it ideal for the deployment of microservices by businesses. Finally, .NET Core is best used when deploying and utilizing highly scalable, high-performance systems. The dynamic flexibility of .NET Core makes it possible for a business system to provide the best user experience for a large number of micro-services.
The .NET Core framework is a versatile and powerful development framework, but some features that are present in the .NET Framework are not available in .NET Core, such as the dichotomy between Entity Framework Core and Entity Framework v6.
The .NET framework, however, is best utilized when memory management, type and memory safety, specific Windows APIs, as well as a secure, managed code environment are required.
As mentioned previously, .NET Core is an incredibly versatile application development framework. Since it supports a variety of operating systems and chipsets, developers can use it across a wide range of platforms. There is no longer a rigid requirement for developers to only work with Windows applications, or with expensive Windows licenses. The .NET Framework did not support Linux developers prior to the release of .NET Core. .NET core supports Windows, Linux, MacOS, and other operating systems.
Keep in mind that the .NET family architecture is composed of four major components:
In the .NET family, the Common Language Specification (CLS) determines how objects are implemented so that code compiled into the intermediary language (IL) is capable of interacting with code from other programming languages.
Standard libraries containing classes, interfaces, and value types are related to system functionality known as Framework Class Library (FCL).
Virtualization system are responsible for managing and executing the IL code at runtime, which is achieved by converting the CIL to the appropriate native code.
Applications can be developed on desktops, clouds, mobile devices, and the web with software such as Microsoft Visual Studio.
Most firms can develop applications using the .NET family components together.
Supports Apps in Android and iOs
Mobile application development is feasible with .NET Core using Xamarin. As part of this, iOS and Android operating systems are supported. For mobile and non-mobile development needs, utilizing a single robust, scalable, cross-platform, managed development framework can provide a firm with a way to maximize ROI (return on investment) when choosing and purchasing the most appropriate development framework for its application development needs.
Supports Website and Services in The Cloud
With the ASP.NET Core component of the .NET Core system, web applications can be developed robustly. With ASP.NET Core, you can create ASP.NET Web Forms, ASP.NET Web Pages, or ASP.NET MVC web applications. In addition, .NET Core can be used to build powerful cloud applications, services, and systems, as well as IoT applications.
The most important improvement associated with .NET Core is that all of the framework, runtime, and libraries are open source. It wasn't until March 2012 that Microsoft open sourced ASP.NET MVC, even though Microsoft began adding new features to ASP.NET in 2007/2008. It was announced by Scott Gu that ASP.NET MVC, WebAPI, and Razor would be open source. As of July 2012, Microsoft released Entity Frameworks as open source software.
In general, the open source announcements have been well received and the community has helped to improve certain facets of the .NET family. Aside from being open source and benefiting from open source communities, it is also more platform agnostic, allowing for true cross-platform integration as well as added scalability. Contrasting .NET Core, the .NET framework is more static, rigid and limiting, without the ability of the open source community to customize the framework or add additional functionalities.
Since most of the code for the .NET Core system is on GitHub and is managed by Microsoft and the open source communities, the platform can be advanced and secured and can evolve more quickly and efficiently.
Per the above, being open source, the .NET Core development framework can evolve more quickly. This means that more pertinent functions can be identified, more operating systems can be added for cross-platform support, and any security flaws can be found and patched. Additionally, the use of an open-sourced .NET Core allows for greater customization and the ability to leverage added functionalities for specific business requirements.
Different versions of .NET Core can be used together without interfering with workflow efficiency. When installing applications that require multiple versions of frameworks, developers must use .NET Core. It is possible to run several versions of .NET on the same server at the same time."
As previously mentioned, the .NET system required Windows systems and servers, which were pricey for small businesses. The use of .NET Core gives developers and firms a great deal of flexibility since it can run on a variety of architectures, operating systems (MacOS, Linux, Windows, iOS, Android), servers, hardware, etc.
Due to .NET Core's ability to work with different hardware and software, developers and firms are able to exert more control over their business operations. This increases productivity and allows for easier integration with an enterprise's Information Technology (IT) infrastructure, which minimizes overhead, and costs associated with obtaining specific Windows servers/licenses.
In addition to being tethered to Microsoft systems, .NET framework developers were forced to use Microsoft operating software, servers, and [expensive] licenses. .NET Core is an open source, non-proprietary technology that enables IT leaders to build a more cost-effective, flexible and robust IT infrastructure - one that aligns specifically with the goals and needs of an organization (including the operating systems, platforms, and servers an enterprise wants to use). As a result, an enterprise's IT infrastructure becomes more efficient, which leads to higher productivity, higher profits, and lower operating costs.
By providing a greater degree of flexibility and freedom in how the powerful platform is utilized, Microsoft's .NET Core development framework is a major improvement over the .NET framework. With it, ASP.NET, and other components of the .NET family, can be used to build powerful, secure, managed, robust web applications, cloud services, desktop software, and even IoT applications, all while potentially saving money, targeting the desired platforms and operating systems, and achieving business goals of being scalable and efficient while also saving money.