As enterprises plan for the future, digital transformation (DX) will play a greater role than in the past. Enterprises on the digital transformation journey typically benefit from increased efficiency, increased productivity, and lower operating costs, among other things.
As of 2022, enterprises don't necessarily have to rethink their DX strategies in order to take advantage of the trends expected to gain traction. These trends present a glimpse of what's to come in terms of challenges and opportunities. While most of these issues have been looming on the horizon for some time, recent challenges related to supply chain, security, and other business priorities have triggered growth that will change perspectives on digital transformation in the future.
Prescriptive guidance will be powered by automation
Automation will power prescriptive guidance
By combining artificial intelligence with automation, knowledge workers will finally be able to anticipate and act on events before they occur. Analytics can be used to analyze what's happening within your system at any given time, and then combined with automation to produce intelligent recommendations. In this way, you will be able to make better business decisions.
The important thing is what you do when a breach occurs, not if your organization experiences one. To consider the necessary preparations from all angles takes a lot of time and effort.
The ability to adapt to systems beyond your control is also part of agility. In your organization, make sure you consider every aspect.
Agile partnerships are also important when businesses adopt cloud-based infrastructure. Putting in place the right technology isn't enough to achieve digital transformation. Additionally, you must be prepared to keep the business afloat if those solutions fail.
Low-code and no-code software will also be adopted by enterprises. Companies who rely exclusively on low-code software have long been concerned about losing their developers. In recent years, no-code tools have become more common among developers because they offer simple solutions to complex problems. Combine low-code tools with professional developers to create digital solutions that have greater impact.
Software with low-code and no-code allows developers to focus on innovation and growth. Moreover, low-code solutions allow professionals throughout an organization to make better decisions without undergoing steep learning curves.
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated a second aspect of digital transformation: data-driven approaches to customer experience. Businesses sought new ways to reach customers without exposing themselves as the onset of the virus forced the world into lockdown. Digital marketing tools, such as social media, ecommerce, and e-mail, proved to be effective during the pandemic.
Whether online or in person, customers expect perfect service from businesses. A well-defined omni-channel strategy and a consolidated view of customer data will help organizations meet these demands.In light of all these trends, it's not surprising that enterprises' IT budgets will increase in 2022 as a result of digital transformation. It is expected that more organizations will build their own high-level software rather than buy and implement third-party software. Considering how specialized each organization's IT needs have become, this shift is also understandable.
With the exception of low-code and no-code tools, most top-tier software solutions require considerable time, money, and effort to implement. Even then, they may not satisfy all requirements. It is often less expensive to build a fully customized tool from scratch, even if it is more expensive.
With the new year just around the corner, companies should explore how innovative IT solutions can support their broader priorities. A digital transformation can help companies become more agile, productive, and dynamic in almost every aspect of their operations. To achieve the best results, business IT budgets should align with these priorities.
Not only the above mentioned trends will play a significant role in the future of digital transformation.
Companies can expect the following 9 trends in digital transformation in 2022:
The following Digital Transformation trends must be closely examined by companies.
Data Protection and Cybersecurity
The focus of security in 2022 will be on technology and business transactions. As more organizations realize the importance of security in their applications and automation, security-by-default will become more common.
2. Business process automation
One of the key trends in digital transformation that businesses must adopt by 2022 is business process automation. Small businesses especially need to take advantage of this trend. For small businesses to remain competitive, they need to automate business processes in all areas, including accounting, marketing, and customer service.
With artificial intelligence, monotonous or high-risk tasks can be automated. This technology can be used in manufacturing, supply chains, market research, etc. One example is Alexa, which is already used by many companies. Business decisions can be improved by using machine learning and predictive analytics.
3. Cloud-based solutions
Cloud-based solutions are becoming increasingly popular due to their scalability, savings, and ease of use. Cloud-based software is replacing traditional on-premises software in many organizations. It is more efficient and cheaper to use cloud-based software than on-premises software.
Data security must be improved if businesses and companies wish to use digital technology. Data security should be improved because hackers' threats are increasing as technology improves. Data is secure with cloud-based services thanks to their enhanced cyber-security features.
4. Hybrid work
The trend in digital transformation that will be most common in the coming year will be hybrid work environments. Both working environments and hybrid work environments are undergoing rapid change. Increasingly interconnected work environments are raising employee expectations. Companies must provide digitally connected experiences in order to retain talent and increase productivity.
5. Digital banking
In 2022, businesses upgraded their digital assets to improve operations due to digital transformations. Business will undergo a rapid transition to digital assets in 2022.
By 2022, digital banking will be one of the top trends in digital transformation. The majority of banking services are now available online, from loans to payments. It is predicted that digital banking will continue to grow in the future. The financial sector will be greatly affected.
6. 5G and IoT
5G networks enable next-generation mobile communication. A 5G network is expected to respond to commands in one millisecond, while a 4G network can take up to 200 milliseconds to respond. 5G's increased efficiency can be beneficial for businesses that use the Internet of things.
By investing in 5G networks and expanding IoT in your business, you can decrease all productions that are affected by company decisions. Some of the benefits of 5G include increased bandwidth, wider installation areas, improved reliability, and improved security. Mobile 5G networks will enable faster broadband speeds and more reliable mobile networks, enabling a more connected future. Following are a few top transformation trends you should keep in mind in the next year and beyond.