About the client
A.S.P. Incorporated has provided security, concierge, and customer services for over 20 years. A team unlike any other within the security industry, we embrace change and take pride in surpassing client expectations with our well-trained team of talented individuals. We continuously implement new strategies and strive for an environment that creates a culture of growth and community.
A.S.P. Security Services has a policy, which provides their clients response to any service request in less than three hours. As such, they have deployed manpower to major clients throughout the G.T.A. during tragedies such as 9/11 and the Air France accident in Toronto. Their team has also provided emergency services during the 2003 Blackout and the Sars epidemic. During these unfortunate and challenging times, their staff joined together to provide unsurpassed dedication and quick-responsiveness, which never before seen in the security industry.
Their integrity as a service provider, ensures they honour all their commitments to clients, who have graciously entrusted them with the safety and security of their businesses. A.S.P. Incorporated has the experience, dedication, organization, intellectual capital, and fiscal strength to offer a complete turnkey service. They promise to continue to raise the bar, because at A.S.P., "Security Matters."
Project goals
Create a web application to manage school crossing guards scheduling throughout the City of Toronto. Guards are assigned to crosswalks, and their attendance is detected with an App. A dashboard is available to administrative staff at head office to monitor Guard locations and timing in real-time. Our main goal was to build a web application that will help to simplify service management: creating jobs (locations that must be serviced), accounts for employees (guards), assigning guards to locations, managing clients.
Key challenge
The idea of this project was to rework the existing website, make UX better and easier for understanding. Extend website with new functionalities, get rid of excel spreadsheets, which prevoiusly were prepared manually and instead of them implement automated reports. Another challenge - improve performance. This website collects and processes a lot of information and it noticeably impacted the performance. Our solutions
To address client's needs our partners, Mawazo Marketing, suggeted automation of all processes as much as possible.
The solution allows picking up the guard that is the most suitable for servicing a particular location: system searches available employees taking into acount various factors like guard's schedule, holidays and booked leaves, assigned shifts, the distance between the guard's home and working area.
Variety of reports helps A.S.P. to see the entire picture as well as dive into details:
* Guard location tracking - a map with the trajectory of movement of the guard, it shows if guard left the geofence or no.
* On which particular area spent the most time.
* Attendance report - with the possibility to run it for any needed period. This report shows amount of shifts per day, how many of them where covered, who covered the shift(guard name), total percentage of coverege, total number of crosswalks etc.
* Which shifts don't have assigned guard and need to be assigned today.
Dashboard - functionality that gives the possibility to see guards' attendance in real-time, whether an employee checked in on time, checked out earlier, was late or absent. On the website there are different roles, and for each role the same data is represented in the most suitable way. Result
An improved opperational efficiency: intuitive worforce planning and management, detailed analysis of employees' performance, reports for customers. Probably the most significant is time saved for guards management and collecting the data because of implemented automation.